domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010


Brunel Hotel London
79-81 Gloucester Terrace,
London, UK

As per above request we need manpower to work in Brunel Hotel in UK. The total requirements will be 5 workers. just the year our hotel need outside workers not inside the London UK Workers that have the ability to work hard only need to apply and must come from non-criminal origin and must agreed to abide by the hotel?s rules and regulations.

Details needed: Bio-Data's of these workers in advance for us to do the shortlist before conduction of interview .

They will be tested on the spot and interviewed by the hotel management.

Salary: is very attractive depending on experience to be found in applicant. Our salary and benefit which will be forwarded to you for your perusal. The hotel management wants the whole Migration processing settled within 45days time. If you can meet our requirement please reply for further procedures.

The management will take care of your feeding, accommodation including your air ticket. We will provide all the relevant backup documents to enable the applicant get his or her visa at The British-Embassy in the applicants country.

Visas will be issued upon approval from The Immigration Bureau.
If you are interested to work with us, respond to this mail as a matter of urgency
Kindly provide me with the below information as a requirement for the job and visa processing;

1) Full Name As It Appears In Your Valid International Passport.
2) Valid International Passport Number.
3) Full address
4) Your Country Of Residence At Present.
5) Your Passport Holder Nationality.
6) Scan Copy Of Passport Photograph recently Taken
7) CV
Thanks for your audience despite your Busy schedule and we are looking forward to receive your information's ASAP.

Best Regards,

Mr. Lancy Alford
Brunel Hotel London
Head Office : 79-81,
Gloucester Terrace London.
Mobile: (+44)70100 45978 (+44) 70100 37446 (+447) 03180 0515
Fax: +44 (0) 80 0240 9058
Enquiries: +44 (0) 835 210 55008

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